Epilogue to the football match
Agreement or +383 (Kosovo, Context, 2013)
Contexts in which we operate – Kosovo 2013
Socio-political context 2013
Bosnia Herzegovina: Twisted time Montenegro: A Montenegrin's moustache Croatia: They knew everything, and they did nothing Kosovo: Agreement or +383 Macedonia: One big nothing, nicely wrapped and gaudily decorated Serbia: Continuity of Endless Disaster Bosnia...
Continuity of Endless Disaster (Serbia, Context, 2013)
Contexts in which we operate – Serbia, 2013
Monologue without Mandela
as news of Nelson Mandela’s death broke out
6th December 2013
Support to the ‘Day of Civil Disobedience’, Sarajevo, 1 July 2013
We support the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina who have organized the initiative to protest newborn children being deprived of their rights due to the failure to adopt the Law on ID numbers (JMBG)
My Deaths
April memories
Twisted Time (Bosnia and Herzegovina, context, 2013)
Contexts in which we operate – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013
One Big Nothing, Nicely Wrapped and Gaudily Decorated (Macedonia, Context, 2013)
Contexts in which we operate – Macedonia 2013
Montenegrin’s moustache (Montenegro, Context, 2013)
"If anyone ever even touched a hair from a Montenegrin's moustache, they would be liable to lose their head. Birth and procreation is the only salvation for this people..." (The day when dealing with peace started causing me too much distress, I abruptly stopped...
Mr. President, what is left? (Croatia, Context, 2012)
Contexts in which we operate – Croatia 2012
Come to our Rescue Batman, We’re Caught Flat Footed! (Serbia, Context, 2012)
Contexts in which we operate – Serbia 2012
Road is long (Kosovo, Context, 2012)
Contexts in which we operate – Kosovo 2012
Prometheus in Diapers (Macedonia, Context, 2012)
Contexts in which we operate – Macedonia 2012
All talk and no trousers (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Context, 2012)
Contexts in which we operate – Bosnia and Herzegovina