Bosnia Herzegovina: Twisted time Montenegro: A Montenegrin's moustache Croatia: They knew everything, and they did nothing Kosovo: Agreement or +383 Macedonia: One big nothing, nicely wrapped and gaudily decorated Serbia: Continuity of Endless Disaster Bosnia...
Continuity of Endless Disaster (Serbia, Context, 2013)
Contexts in which we operate – Serbia, 2013
Impressions from Basic Training: A Beautiful Experience!
After I had wrapped things up at the office and rushed off to buy the few last things I needed for the trip (somehow, as a rule, I always leave this to the very last minute), I began to realise that I was going to attend Basic Training in Peace Building organised by...
Annual Report 2010 – XIII
about activities and the regional context
Images of those times
Oral histories of war-veterans and members of their families
Annual Report 2008 – XI
about activities and the regional context
Not a bird to be heard. 2007, film
Not a bird to be heard. 2007, film
simulated dialogue Bosniaks-Croats
Annual Report 2007 – X
about activities and the regional context
All Wish to Cast a Stone, 2006
All Wish to Cast a Stone – film, 2006
Simulated dialogue between Serbs and Croats
Traces – documentary, CNA, 2004 – former combatants
Traces – documentary, CNA, 2004 –
former combatants and their families speaking
Annual Report 2002 – V
(pdf) Centar za nenasilnu akciju Centre for Nonviolent Action SEPTEMBER 2001 - AUGUST 2002 Centre for Nonviolent Action Office in Belgrade: Svetogorska 33 / st.7, 11000 Beograd, YU Tel/Fax: +381 11 3226-793 ...
Annual Report 2001 – IV
CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU CENTRE FOR NONVIOLENT ACTION Office in Sarajevo: Bentbaša 31, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax: +387/33/440-417 Office in Belgrade: Ulofa Palmea 2A, 11160 Beograd, SRJ Tel/Fax: +381 11 34-32-612,...
Annual report 1999 – II
Centar za nenasilnu akciju Bentbasa 31, 71000Sarajevo, BiH Tel/Fax:+387/71/442 011 CENTAR ZA NENASILNU AKCIJU Annual report II September 1998 - August 1999 Centar za nenasilnu akciju - CNA is the...